Monday, August 6, 2012

Gibby's Perfect Timing. (9 months:July 2012)

Well, this is it:  Our boy is a Rock and Roll genius.  He's got the Rock part gotta wait for the Roll.  


Saturday, August 4, 2012

CRAZY TRAIN (8 months:June 2012)

For a short period of time Gibson would huff and puff and laugh his touckas off at different bizarre things.  Sometimes it happened when we would sing to him, or blew air in his face, or when we made an absurd noise or gave him zerberts on his tummy.  We didn't really know what to call it until one day when he and I were driving around listening to the radio he cracked up from the beginning until the end of an Ozzy song.

Crazy Train was born.

I finally got a good series of shots of Gibby doing Crazy Train when I was sitting with him in the back seat of the car and the windows were rolled down.  The force of the wind made his hair stand up on end and he thought this was the most hilarious thing ever.
Here is a string of shots from that beautiful few minutes on the 9th of June 2012.